Prolife Help and Prayer Apostolate
The Confraternity of Penitents offers many prolife prayers through its on line gift shop. See cfpholyangels.com for selection.
Its members also pray for babies in danger of abortion or otherwise threatened by illness or other situations. Here are some babies we prayed for!

This sweet child was in danger of abortion. Her mom changed her mind, and then the baby was born very prematurely, weighing a bit over a pound. From a tenuous situation, you see her as a toddler. God be praised!

The parents of these twin girls tried for years to get pregnant. Then, when they did, doctors feared that babies would deliver too early. They went to term, the fruit of prayer and God's grace.
The Confraternity of Penitents is active in helping bring about a Culture of Life. Let us all work toward this goal.
Many prayers for life are available on this link.
Prolife Prayer Booklet In the Palm of His Hand on this link.
The Confraternity of Penitents is committed to praying for the unborn and their parents. Please email us your prayer requests.
Click here to read about babies and moms we've prayed for.
We are also praying for abortionists, so that God's grace will touch their hearts, that they will stop doing abortions, and that they will turn to the Lord for mercy. Please send us the names of abortionists and we will add them to this list. In your mercy, please pray for the conversion of abortionists Randy (Florida), Morris W. (NY), James Scott P. (FL), Harry P. (FL), John D. (RI), Stephen (New Jersey), Franz T. (TX), Dr. Barke (CA), Dr. Nucatola (CA), Dr. Robert S. (Toronto, Canada), Maria C. (Toronto, Canada), Neil S. (Ohio), Rosilyn K. (Ohio), Theodor R (MI), John D.(RI), Randolph W. May God reward you for your prayers.
We invite you to remember the children whom you have lost during pregnancy, or shortly after birth. You may wish to name your children if you have not already done so. May we suggest that you create a memorial space within your home or yard to assist you in your loss, perhaps erecting a crucifix or other reminder of Our Lord there.
Perhaps this prayer will help you.
Dear Jesus, You are the bestest brother of all. Even though I miss never having enjoyed what it was like on earth with my mom and dad, I am happy that You have taken me here with You. Jesus, my mom and dad are sometimes unhappy when they think of me. Would You let them know that You love them and that You want them to be happy? Will You make some way for them to come to You so that they will feel better? I love my Mom and Dad, and I know You love them, too. So please help Mom and Dad, dear Jesus, and let them know that I love them, too, and am praying for them so that someday we can all be together here with You. Amen.
On the link below are listed names of children who have died before or after birth. May God comfort all those who have suffered the loss of little children.
The saints are great intercessors before the Lord. Here are some to consider when praying about pregnancy issues.
Patron Saint of Mothers with Health Problems
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla: (1922-1962). A deeply spiritual wife and mother, and doctor of pediatric medicine in Mesero, Italy, Gianna also served the elderly and poor through the St. Vincent de Paul Society. In 1961, Gianna elected to continue her life threatening fourth pregnancy rather than abort her unborn child. Seven days after her daughter was born, Gianna died.
Patron Saint of Unwed Mothers
Saint Margaret of Cortona: (1247-1297). Born of poor parents in Laviano, Italy, Margaret left home as a young teen to live for nine years with her young lover, bearing him a son out of wedlock. When her lover was murdered by his enemies, Margaret underwent a conversion and embraced a live of penance, prayer, and apostolate, living the Rule of 1221. "I have put thee as a burning light," Our Lord said to her, "to enlighten those who sit in the darkness.--I have set thee as an example to sinners, that in thee they may behold how my mercy awaits the sinner who is willing to repent; for as I have been merciful to thee, so will I be merciful to them." See this link for more information.
Blessed Anna Maria Taigi: (1769-1837). Born in Siena, Italy, Anna Maria married a butler named Domenico. Always living on a financial brink, Anna supplemented Domenico's meager income with various jobs while raising their six children, tolerating Domenico's jealous outbursts and impatience, and caring for elderly parents who came to live in the cramped family quarters. Anna Maria became a Third Order Trinitarian and practiced many penances as well as had a deep prayer life. Many, including bishops, sought her counsel.
Patron Saints of Children with Disabilities

Blessed Margaret of Castello: (1287-1320). When Margaret was born in Metola, Italy, her noble parents were ashamed of their little daughter. They saw only that she was blind and lame, that her body had a hump on her back, and that her limbs were twisted and misshapen. Not even wanting to look at their little one, Margaret's parents hid her from all eyes until she was six when they walled her up in a cell adjacent to the chapel where she remained for fourteen years. At that time, her parents took her to a shrine, hoping for a cure. When none came, they abandoned her. After wandering the streets, Margaret was taken in by kindly women. Becoming a member of the Third Order of Saint Dominic, Margaret tended to the sick and dying and brought many sinners back to the Lord. She lived a life of constant prayer and penance and was never known to speak an unforgiving word about her parents. See this link for more information on testimonials.

Blessed Herman: (died 1054). Apparently afflicted with cleft palate, spina bifida, and cerebral palsy, Herman was born in Swabia, into the house of Althausen. Shocked that their son was nearly helpless due to the huge number of physical disabilities that were obvious at his birth, his parents gave him into the care of the abbey of Reichenau where he lived for forty years. Becoming a monk himself, Herman used his brilliant mind to write a long, unfinished poem of deadly sins and a mathematical-astronomical treatise as well as two well known anthems to Our Lady, "Alma Redemptoris Mater" and "Salve Regina."
Saint Germaine Cousin: (1579-1601). Born in Pibrac, France, Germaine came into the world with hand that was badly misshapen. She was also afflicted with the disease of scrofula which caused grotesque swellings and boils on her body. Treated cruelly by her step mother who made her a shepherdess almost as soon as she could walk, Germaine lived a life of prayer, penance, and good works while a virtual outcast from her family about whom she never spoke an ill word.
Saint Non: (Sixth Century) . The granddaughter of Brychan of Brecknock, Wales, Non was living as a nun when Sant, son of the King of South Wales, abducted her and raped her. From this union was born a son, David, who became patron of Wales.
Saint David of Wales: (Sixth Century) Saint David (Dewi) of Wales was born following the rape of his mother St. Non. Raised and educated by St. Paulinus, David became a bishop, founded various monasteries, and fought the Pelagian heresy.
Saint Edith: (961-984). Saint Edith was conceived when Edgar, who was in line for the kingship of England, ravished Wulfrida, a woman who was living a consecrated life at Wilton Abbey. The product of this sacriligeous rape, Edith was raised by the sisters and took the veil at the age of fifteen. Edgar offered to make her abbess of three houses and to give her the throne of England, but she refused. Edith built the Church of St. Denis and was known as a peaceful and holy.
If you are experiencing a problem pregnancy and are seeking prayer or other assistance, please contact us. We will pray for you and also give you referrals to groups in your area which can provide help.
You can also call these 24-hour, toll-free phone numbers for assistance in the United States:
Carenet/Heartbeat: 1-800-395-HELP
Crisis Pregnancy Helpline: 1-888-4-OPTIONS
Birthright: 1-800-550-4900
National Life Center: 1-800-848-LOVE
Bethany Christian Services: 1-800-238-4269
The Confraternity of Penitents has online the complete text of Having Your Baby When Others (Or You) Say No!: Overcoming the Fears about Having Your Baby. See this link for the text of this book.
If you have received a serious prenatal diagnosis, you may be experiencing pressure to end your pregnancy early. To assist you in understanding how to continue your pregnancy in the face of fear, pressure, and uncertainty, the complete text of My Child, My Gift: A Positive Response to Serious Prenatal Diagnosis, is on this link. The book is also available in print form from the CFP Holy Angels Gift Shop on this link.
A CFP friend who had an abortion spoke these words as part of her speech for the "Silent No More" campaign of women who regret their abortions:
There is no more devastating experience in the life of a woman than to have her child destroyed in the protective refuge of her own womb. Even the most liberally educated women who believe that it is just an uncomfortable medical procedure will come to grips with how severely they have been lied to and sold down the river. As the denial slips away, the painful reality will come crashing through. A personal history of abortion in a woman's life is a painful fact that never goes away. It will manifest itself in many behaviors. It may manifest itself in physical illnesses and mental illnesses. The loss will never go away.
The fact of a deceased child is just as real to the mother who has had her child aborted as it is to the mother who has made great sacrifices to save the life of her child, but who tearfully stands beside his or her grave. . . . . I am sure that you have met some women who are hard-nosed, hard-hearted, hardheaded, embittered and very angry. If you could scratch the surface just a bit, you may not be surprised to learn that an abortion is behind it all and that "they were not like that" before the abortion happened.
Those who encouraged the woman to have an abortion, to kill that baby, by words, action, or sins of omission, or who did the gruesome work of the abortion, have an equal share in that guilt. One consequence of this for the people involved is disunity. Those who collaborate in abortion and who do the grisly work, or who promote it in any way, have a deep aversion for one another that comes out in all kinds of disordered behavior. If these people understood what Christian Unity is, the Unity that God calls us to in imitation of the Unity of the Holy Trinity, then people would do all they can do to seek unity, and foster and nurture it. They would be seeking life and not death.
+ "Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His love than in your own weakness."
~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
If you are troubled by an abortion/pregnancy termination, that you had or were party to, and would like to correspond with a woman who knows your pain, please contact us.
A beautiful book for children detailing life in the womb is available through the Confraternity of Penitents Holy Angels Gift Shop by accessing this link for Angel in the Waters.
Promote Civil Rights for ALL Americans and advertise a national, toll free, prolife problem pregnancy hotline. See the information on this link.